Video Work

- Video/MoJo
 - Video/MoJo
Turas go Sidi Bou Said, Túinis [MoJo, as Gaeilge]
April 12th 2018

A visit to the historic area of Tunis called Sidi Bou Said. Entirely produced on mobile for Molscéal (TG4)
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Wounded Syrians Flee to Lebanese Hospitals
August 2, 2012

Every week, hundreds of Syrian civilians wounded in the conflict have been fleeing across the border to be treated in Lebanese clinics and hospitals.

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DOCUMENTARY: Democracy Derailed - Egypt's Unraveled Revolution
February 19, 2012

DOCUMENTARY: The goals of the Egyptian revolution of year ago now seem elusive, as the opposition movement splinters and the country's ruling generals cling to power. WSJ's Charles Levinson and Don Duncan report.
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Libya to Citizens: Give Up Your Guns
Jan 6, 2012

In the civil war before the downfall of Muammar Gaddafi, a lot of guns and weapons were distributed in Libya. The National Transitional Council is now trying to take them back.

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Purging Libya's Schools of Gaddafi's Propaganda
Dec 12, 2011

Muammar Gaddafi's famous Green Book was once required reading for every Libyan student. Now, the transitional government is purging textbooks and lesson plans of Gaddafi's ubiquitous influence.
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Islamic and Secular Showdown in Tunisia
October 22, 2011

Days before Tunisia's first democratic elections, protests raise tensions between secularists and Islamic parties.

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Tunisia Prepares to Vote
October 18, 2011

Young Tunisians have gone from yelling for the fall of a dictator to organizing a democratic election, and the voting infrastructure has been built from scratch
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The Other Afghan War: Drug Addiction
June 14, 2011

The war against the Taliban and Al Qaeda isn't the only conflict in Afghanistan. The country's also waging another tenacious battle - against drug addiction. Don Duncan reports from Kabul.

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New Uprisings Against Tunisia's Old Ways
May 11, 2011

Crackdowns on protesters and press freedoms by a caretaker government in Tunis, and the slow pace of reform have Tunisians taking to the streets in new uprisings.
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Tunisians Focused on Democracy, Not Bin Laden's Death
May 2, 2011

Residents of the Tunisian city of Sidi Bouzid, crucible of the pro-democracy movement, are more concerned about an explosion of new Islamist political parties in their country than the threat of Al Qaeda. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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Jordan's Looming Unemployment Crisis
March 4, 2011

Thousands of blue-collar jobs in Jordan and in wealthy Persian Gulf nations where Jordanians were once employed are going to guest workers from East Asia willing to make lower wages. WSJ's Don Duncan reports from Amman.

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Irish Workers Leave the Emerald Isle
February 24, 2011

The great recession has triggered yet another wave of Irish emigration. WSJ's Don Duncan reports on how that is playing out in the national election.
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Jordan Faces an Ethnic Divide
February 16, 2011

Jordan faces a demographic dilemma. Palestinians here, most of whom were born in the West Bank but are now naturalized Jordanians, are starting to outnumber the country's indigenous tribes and it's causing tensions. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.

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Will Lebanon Also Face Unrest?
February 2, 2011

Lebanon shares many of the hardships that sparked uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt. But the government's rigid quota system for representation of each of the country's 18 sects may make it difficult for a people's movement to coalesce. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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Lebanon Needs More Power
December 30, 2010

Israel's recent discovery of offshore gas fields has Lebanon, its northern neighbor, looking to do the same to help feed its growing electricity demands. WSJ's Don Duncan reports from Lebanon.

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The rise of Palestinian protest rap
December 6, 2010

Don Duncan travels to the West Bank and Syria to talk to Palestinian musicians who are finding their political voices through rap music
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Kite Runners Return in Afghanistan
November 26, 2010

War rages in the south and east, but relatively stability has returned to the Afghani capital of Kabul. With it have come kite-fighting and the so-called "kite runners." WSJ's Don Duncan reports.

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Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad Visits Lebanese Shiite Border Town
Oct 15, 2010

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad visited a town in southern Lebanon just six kilometers from the border with Israel. His presence bolstered Iranian influence in a community already loyal to Hezbollah for protection. Don Duncan reports.
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Iran's President Ahmadinejad Gets Rockstar Treatment in Beirut
Oct 14, 2010

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad got rockstar treatment on a state visit to Lebanon. Crowds in Shiite neighborhoods cheered the Iranian president and his country for their moral and financial support during years of turmoil. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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My City: John Rocha's Dublin
Oct 7, 2010

Hong Kong-born, Dublin-based fashion designer John Rocha brings us around the Irish capital.

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My City: Joao Pedro Rodrigues' Lisbon
Sept 30, 2010

Portuguese film director Joao Pedro Rodrigues brings us around his native city: Lisbon
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Walking through Lebanon
Sept. 25, 2010

Historic walking tours of one of the Middle East's most-interesting cities are taking off. WSJ's Don Duncan follows tour guides around Beirut

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Cautious Optimism Follows Afghan Elections
Sept 19, 2010

Taliban attacks and intimidation kept many voters away from Afghanistan's elections. But the elections have nevertheless been deemed a success, though electoral fraud looms. From Kabul, WSJ's Don Duncan reports
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Afghans Staying Away From Polls Ahead of Election
September 18, 2010

After several attacks by the Taliban, security ramps up ahead of the Afghan elections. But as WSJ's Don Duncan reports, many are choosing to stay away from the polls.

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The Irish island that drums to its own beat
September 2, 2010

Every year the little-known island of Inis Oírr attracts drummers from all over the world to its bodhrán summer school, for a unique insight into Ireland's traditional music
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In the Catacombs: Paris's True Underground Scene
Aug 6, 2010

Sixty-six feet under the City of Light's scenic streets, people are gathering each weekend to explore Paris's true underground arts scene. The 160 miles of centuries-old tunnels have become a unique gallery for artists.

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Hezbollah Opens First Museum in Lebanon
June 16, 2010

After over two years of construction at a cost of $4 million, Hezbollah, the Lebanese Islamist political party and militia, has opened its first permanent museum in Mlita, Lebanon. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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Syria Cultivates Booming Arts Scene
May 14, 2010

Syria is liberalizing its economy, foreign capital is flooding into the country, and the contemporary art here is booming. The expansion of the once-closed Syrian art scene is producing a new breed of artists who aim to produce art that is sellable beyond the country's borders. Don Duncan reports.
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Palestinians Shoot Back With Video Cameras
April 13, 2010

An Israeli human rights group has distributed 150 cameras to Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, turning young protesters into documentary filmmakers

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Naughty Lingerie in Conservative Syria
February 11, 2010

In the old souk of Damascus, shops have sprung up to sell sexy lingerie, catering mostly to men and tourists from elsewhere in the Middle East.
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Syrian Boutique Hotels Booming
January 28, 2010

Damascus and Aleppo in Syria are becoming hot tourist destinations. Rundown or abandoned 17th- and 18th-century Arabic houses have been renovated into charming, boutique hotels. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.

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Dubai Property Agents Find Bright Spot in Downturn
Dec 16, 2009

Dubai's real-estate agents have shifted from selling to leasing as a way to counter a 50% drop in property sales. With 25% of the emirate's residential units empty and financing hard to find, there are also some cash bargains to be had, WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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Dubai Faces Tough Economic Reality
Dec 14, 2009

Hard economic times have stunted some of Dubai's largest construction projects and devastated its real-estate markets. Residents of the Middle Eastern city may be forced to leave if they can't find work, but many remain hopeful for recovery.

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Tribeca Film Festival Grows Filmmakers in Qatar
October 30, 2009

A film movement is underway in Doha, Qatar, sparked by the presence of the Doha Tribeca Film Festival. WSJ's Don Duncan reports.
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In Calais, a Dead End for Afghans Bound for Britain
October26, 2009

Asylum-seekers from as far away as Afghanistan try to get to Britain but face a new immigration crackdown in Calais, France.

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Financial Crisis, Funding Crisis
November 9, 2009

Funds that would go toward clearing a 205-square-kilometer danger zone have been diverted.
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Ireland's Last Matchmaker
September 29, 2009

Matchmaker Willie Daly is the most sought-after man at the Matchmaking Festival held every September in Lisdoonvarna, Ireland
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Lebanon's AIDS Dilemma
September 10, 2009

The face of HIV/AIDS infection in Lebanon is changing and the government is struggling to adapt.

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Y.A.S. Wants the World to Say Yes to Arabic Pop
August 21, 2009

Arab electro-pop duo Y.A.S. thinks their latest album can bring in Western fans, despite the album's Arabic lyrics. Front woman Yasmine Hamdan says that language barriers in the West will fall aside if the music is strong enough. Don Duncan reports from Beirut.

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Pink Taxis Hit Lebanon Streets
July 25, 2009

A pink taxi car service, for women and by women, is seeing great success in Beirut, Lebanon. As WSJ's Don Duncan reports, some women feel safer in the pretty pink cars.
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Tug of War in Lebanon Currently Favors The West
June 8, 2009

In a vote seen as a proxy battle between the West and Iran, the West won in Lebanon. [Reporter: Chip Cummins, Producer: Don Duncan]

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U.S.-backed alliance beats Hezbollah in Lebanon’s election
June 8, 2009

News package on 2009 Lebanese elections, aired across the US on PBS
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Christian Rocker Stirs Up Hornet's Nest in Lebanon
June 6, 2009

A Christian rocker politician who supports Hezbollah vies for a seat in Lebanon's parliament.

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Skateistan: Skate Culture in Kabul [Producer/Editor]
September 2008

[4'28] Youths in Kabul have turned an empty swimming pool - built during the Soviet occupation - into a skateboarding park.

(Shot, written and edited by Don Duncan)
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Afghanistan Disabled
November, 2008

[6'45] About one in ten Afghans is disabled, a legacy of decades of war and poor health care. Dost Khairy is one of them but he is also one of 9,000 Afghans given refuge in the US since Sept 11. There, he established an organization to help the disabled in his native country. Recently he made his first trip back.
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Afghanistan's Disability Crisis [Producer/Editor]
Oct. 8, 2008

[5'49] A disabled
Afghan refugee returns to Afghanistan to
advocate for greater services for the
country's disabled population.
[Produced, shot and edited by Don Duncan]

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School's Out: when one Palestinian camp accomodates another
March 11, 2008

Nahr al Bared is destroyed and many of
its residents move into school rooms in the neighboring Beddawi camp. But what happens to the schooling?
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Palestinians' bittersweet homecoming in Lebanon
March 4, 2008

Correspondent Don Duncan reports on efforts to help Palestinian refugees return to Nahr al-Bared.

Don Duncan: journalist, media trainer, writer - Video/MoJo
Election '08: The Miami-Dade Wild Card [Producer/Editor]
Oct 28, 2008

[6'16] In Miami, non-Cuban Latino voters are more concerned with health care than with the Castros. And unlike the Cubans, they tend to vote Democratic—when they vote.

Could the votes of Nicaraguan, Colombian, and Cuban immigrants who've recently been sworn-in as US citizens swing Miami-Dade county this November?
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A disabled Afghan refugee takes a trip home [Producer/Editor]
September 19, 2008

[2'37] Development has changed much of Afghanistan for the better since the Taliban fell in 2001. But one disabled Afghan now living in the United States returns home to find that not everyone is enjoying the benefits.

Don Duncan: journalist, media trainer, writer - Video/MoJo
Columbia's Secret Tunnel Network
July 2007

[2'15] Underneath the pristine surfaces of Columbia University is a network of secret tunnels - a play ground for the college's bold... and brave.